Während der Laufzeit des Projekts haben die Partner mehrere Arbeiten veröffentlicht. Hier listen wir die Papiere in chronologischer Reihenfolge auf:
🇸🇰 Upper-Secondary School Students’ Mistakes in Using Loops while Coding Cubic Solids in Block-Based Coding Environment
Capay, M., Schmidthaler, E. & Medova, J. (2023). Upper-Secondary School Students’ Mistakes in Using Loops while Coding Cubic Solids in Block-Based Coding Environment. In CERME23 conference proceedings. Proceedings. (to be published)
🇦🇹 Easy Coding in Biology: Pilot Workshop Design and Experiences from Block- Based Programming with <colette/> in Secondary Education
Schmidthaler, E., Stäter, R., Capay, M., Ludwig, M. & Lavicza, Z. (2023). Easy Coding in Biology: Pilot Workshop Design and Experiences from Block- Based Programming with <colette/> in Secondary Education. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Online-First Articles, pp. 177-206.
🇦🇹 Enhancing Interdisciplinary Computational Thinking in STEAM Education: Insights from Empirical Studies with the Educational Tools Poly-universe and <colette/>
Schmidthaler, E. (2023, May 15-19). Enhancing Interdisciplinary Computational Thinking in STEAM Education: Insights from Empirical Studies with the Educational Tools Poly-universe and <colette/> [Conference presentation]. Design & Visualisation in STEAM Education Conference, Linz, Austria.
🇩🇪 Teaching Computational Thinking with <colette/>
Stäter, R., Läufer, T., Ludwig, M. (2023). Teaching Computational Thinking with <colette/>. Research on Online STEM Education in the Digital Age (ROSEDA), Proceedings.
🇩🇪 How <colette/> facilitates teaching Computational Thinking
Stäter, R., Läufer, T., Ludwig, M. (2023). How <colette/> facilitates teaching Computational Thinking. Research on Online STEM Education in the Digital Age (ROSEDA), Proceedings.
🇩🇪 Designing a Digital Learning Environment for Computational Thinking: The Four Pillars of <colette/>
Stäter, R., Ludwig, M. (2023). Designing a Digital Learning Environment for Computational Thinking: The Four Pillars of <colette/>. In 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT). Proceedings. (to be published)
🇩🇪 Das Projekt <colette/>: Computational Thinking (auch) im Mathematikunterricht
Läufer, T., Stäter, R., & Ludwig, M. (2022). Das Projekt <colette/>: Computational Thinking (auch) im Mathematikunterricht. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, 48(113), 21.
🇩🇪 Fostering Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics Education with AR
Läufer, T., Stäter, R. & Ludwig, M. (2022, October 6-7). Fostering Algorithmic Thinking in Mathematics Education with AR [Conference presentation]. International Symposium on Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mathematics Education, Siegen, Germany. (in press)
🇸🇰 Graph problems as a means for accessing the abstraction skills
Medová, J., Milicic, G., Ludwig, M. Graph problems as a means for accessing the abstraction skills. Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Feb 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. ⟨hal-03748478⟩
🇫🇷 Patterns. Des problèmes pour travailler les pensées algorithmique et algébrique
Roubin, S. & Trgalová, J. (2022). Patterns. Des problèmes pour travailler les pensées algorithmique et algébrique. In Guide bleu résolution de problèmes au college (pp. 105-128). Ressources pédagogiques.
🇩🇪 Design and development of a learning environment for computational thinking: The erasmus+ project.
Milicic, G., van Borkulo, S. P., Medova, J., Wetzel, S., & Ludwig, M. (2021). Design and development of a learning environment for computational thinking: The erasmus+ project. In EDULEARN21 Proceedings (pp. 7376-7383). IATED.
🇩🇪 Der Schildkröte das Fliegen beibringen – Mit Augmented Reality algorithmisches Denken fördern
Milicic, G., Wetzel, S., & Ludwig, M. (2021). Der Schildkröte das Fliegen beibringen – Mit Augmented Reality algorithmisches Denken fördern. In L. Humbert (Eds.), Informatik -– Bildung von Lehrkräften in allen Phasen (pp. 301-302). Gesellschaft für Informatik.
🇩🇪 Nutzung von Augmented Reality zur Förderung des räumlichen und algorithmischen Denkens
Milicic, G. & Ludwig, M. (2021). Nutzung von Augmented Reality zur Förderung des räumlichen und algorithmischen Denkens. In K. Hein und S. Prediger (Eds.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. WTM-Verlag.
🇸🇰 Enhancing Computational Thinking through Interdisciplinary STEAM Activities Using Tablets.
Valovičová Ľ, Ondruška J, Zelenický Ľ, Chytrý V, Medová J. Enhancing Computational Thinking through Interdisciplinary STEAM Activities Using Tablets. Mathematics. 2020; 8(12):2128. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8122128