In this final meeting we concluded the IO results’ summary. This led to the summary slides found here on the web page (IO 1 & IO 2, IO 3 & IO 4, IO 5 & IO 6). In these slides we summarized all the theoretical and practical background of the results.
Additionally, we worked on the best practice paths and finalized them. For this we put all the received feedback during our dissemination events and the teacher training into the creation of the tasks and paths.
In this meeting we talked about each Task Family and defined what the students’ input will look like and how the app can validate the result.
Furthermore, the communication between the portal and the app was presented which gave insight into how students’ interaction is stored in the database. Following this we looked at the didactics of every Task Family and defined problem definitions, hints and further assets of the tasks.
This was our first in-person-meeting. We used the three days to their full potential and enjoyed the synergy-effect of an in-person-meeting to its fullest.
The main goal of this meeting was to work further on the task families. After this meeting we wanted to have implementable task families which can on the one hand be realized in the web-portal (the teacher-side) and on the other hand in the app ( the student-side).
The different working phases where designated to precisely defined milestones:
Working Phase 1:
Together we talked about each task family defining what the students’ input will look like and how the app can then validate the result. This was worked out together with Damian.
Working Phase 2 & 3:
Tim presented how the communication between the portal, the app and the student works on the example of Building Cubes. We then split into groups and worked on the task families, getting more specific and explicitly explaining what the parameters for each WSSD are.
Feedback Phase
Every group presented their work. It was made clear that some task families need more time to be worked out completely but that others were in an implementable state.
During this meeting the new people from the Goethe-University, Rebecca Stäter and Tim Läufer, were introduced to the partners. The meeting should have taken place in Frankfurt am Main but due to Corona restrictions it was switched to an online meeting.
In the last meeting the task families were roughly designed but they needed some didactical but also technical details. Therefore we had a couple of working phases with the aim to have more ideas for scenarios, settings and problem definitions per task family.
During the last day we presented the results and the technical IOs, IO1 and IO2 were asked to give feedback mainly about the implementability.
A year ago <colette/> was the name of an application of a potential project. Now, 10 months after the project officially started, we agreed upon and definded what it should do, how it should work and how it should look like. We defined several different Generic Tasks to address and foster Computational Thinking and developed and implemented prototypes for innovative task formats using Augmented Reality. We did conduct several first case studies and gained important feedback and insights from teachers and students as our target groups.
During the Annual Meeting, we discussed the project as a whole and shared
with each other the experiences made during our work for the project.
The current status of the technical implementation of the web portal and the application for mobile devices (IO 1 and 2) was presented. We defined the next steps towards the definition of a final format for the Generic Tasks (IO 3 and 4) as content-based support for teachers and developed a structure for the Short Term Curriculum (IO 6).
After discussing the different task formats to be implemented in our learning environment at the meeting in February 2021, we conducted a meeting discussing the next milestones from the technical perspective on the 1st of March.
<colette/> will be a two-component system, consisting of a web portal (IO 1) and an application for mobile devices (IO 2). Using the web portal, teachers can put tasks together in learning paths and assign them to their students. Using the app, the students solve the corresponding tasks and submit their solutions.
To ensure a smooth and user-friendly interplay between those two components, we discussed the corresponding mapping of the use cases into corresponding databases, dependencies and data structures.
A first implementation of the learning environment will be available within the next months!
Following our Kick-Off Meeting in December 2020, we discussed the task formats we want to include in our learning environment <colette/> in depth during our meeting on February 11th.
It is our aim to provide teachers with a holistic concept and a variety of tasks to foster different aspects of Computational Thinking. Therefore, the definition of corresponding tasks is crucial for a succesful project outcome.
We discussed the possibilites of including and using Augmented Reality, various settings for algorithms and also ideas for outdoor learning. The tasks will be usable for different grades, specifically aiming at lower and upper secondary level.
During our next technical meeting on March 1st, we will discuss the necessary steps to include the various task formats to develop the learning environment that it is as accessible as possilbe both for teacher and students.
From 3rd till 4th of December the Kick-off Meeting of our Erasmus+ project Computational Thinking Learning Environment for Teachers in Europe (<colette/>) took place.
We conducted the meeting in accordance with the restrictions all over Europe virtually. The first bullet on the agenda was an introduction, although some of the partners know each other for over 15 years. We discussed the aim and vision of the project, the first steps and milestones as well as the intellectual outputs.
The idea of the <colette/> project is to develop a learning environment which can be used to teach and learn CT independently from the socio-economic background of the students and schools. To achieve that, we discussed many technical, conceptual and content-based ideas in order to make it easier for teachers to include Computational Thinking on a regular basis in their lessons.
Apart from the working phases, we also conducted a MathCityMap@home Trail with tasks about Computational Thinking.