The project involves associate partners from all of the participating countries. The associate partners will support the dissemination of the project results by using their means of communication and dissemination. Among the associate partners are professional mathematicians, national maths, computer science or STEM teacher associations, institutions of teacher education and especially schools. We will directly collaborate with the associated schools who agreed to send teachers to our Multiplier Events and also to let us test COLETTE multiple times during the development process as well as afterwards in their classes. In an iterative process the learning environment will be adapted based on the teachers’ and students’ feedback and input.
Local secondary schools in all partner countries as well as the maintainer of networks stated their intent of a collaboration. All in all, we can theferefore reach 324 secondary schools in all partner countries.
- Helmholtzschule Frankfurt am Main
- Studien Service Center with a network of 33 partner schools who agreed to collaborate with Goethe University
- United Catholic School
- University of Education Upper Austria (PH Oberösterreich) with its lower secondary school “Europaschule Linz“
- VO-Ho network U-Talent which is a network of 50 schools
- Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie
- Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
- Deutschland – Land der Ideen
- Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft
- Stiftung Rechnen
- MNU – Verband zur Förderung des MINT-Unterrichts
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- L’Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l’Enseignement Public (APMEP)
- Instituts de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathematiques (IREM)
- Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists (JSMF)
- Viac ako učenice (VAU)
- Methodology and Pedagogy Centre